Most of the things we buy routinely are the ones that we need in our daily lives: groceries, clothes, ...
And, then, we have the big-ticket items such as homes, cars, ... Note that some of these big-ticket items, we don't have to buy; we can rent. Cars are more of a necessity in some parts of the world although, if the Ubers and Lyfts and have their way, even those can be rented as the need arises. (There are taxis, of course).
Why this long preface?
Why did I have to pre-order for a Tesla Model 3? I already do have a car that seems to be in good working condition and has served me well for the last 8 or so years.
You see, as a technologist, you have to appreciate whenever you run into a new piece of technology.
For quite some time now, the world knows about the importance of reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. A key contributor to the world's CO2 emissions is that from the automobile exhaust, about 31% of all CO2 emissions in the US. Elon Musk himself gives a good introduction to this matter before the unveiling of the Model 3 in California on March 31:
Thus, an electric car was always on my radar, particularly ever since I rode a Model S in the Fremont, CA, factory several years ago. (Model S is a bit above my budget). We have been paying in the low $30ks for the several Priuses we own now ... So, when, the Tesla Model 3 came along with a similar price tag, and a > 200-mile range, my decision was made. Since I had already seen (and driven a Model S), I knew the Model 3 would have at least some of the finesse of the S.
Clearly, several others around the world feel similarly; as of this writing, 276k Model 3s have been pre-ordered, as you can see from my retweet:
I can't wait to get my hands on the Model 3; but, I may have to wait until the last quarter of 2017 or, maybe, even 2018 ...
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